Monday, January 24, 2011

Syntel Online Test Organising Team (held in college on 22-1-11)

The following team did exceptional job for organising the Syntel Online Test in college CC on dated 22-1-11. Congratulations to all these T&P Commandoes !! We hope that our other hierarchy members will also find some inspiration & turn up to give their excellent services whenever we conduct our next event. Come on ! never wait for an invitation to come to us when some event is held. Follow the spirit of these commandoes. They were there with us the moment they heard of this event. Salutes to their contributions & salutes to all those TPC members who had done & also will do exceptional work to place their batchmates as well as seniors. All the best to entire TPC team for a rocking performance next time !! And once again, please note, you dont have to wait for an invitation. The moment you hear about an event, reach the TPO office/us like as if you are on a commando operation !!