Thursday, December 8, 2011

Joint Campus Placement Drive of Prime Focus India Ltd.

Name of the Company
Prime Focus India Ltd.
Date of Campus Drive
9th Dec 2011
Reporting Time
09:00 a.m.
Streams Eligible
Batches Eligible
2012 passing out
3.5 Lacs P.A.

Note: Onthe spot registration (No registration Fee)

Selection Procedure:

-     Aptitude Test
-     G.D.
-     Technical Round
-     H.R. Round

Students those who want to appear for the interviewmust adhere to the following:

- Candidate should bring their 2 Copies of CVs.
- Candidates should be in a formal dress otherwisethey will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
-Candidate should carry their I-Cards along with them.
- Any sort of misbehavior on the part of studentswhich affects the decorum of the PPT or the selection process attracts apenalty. The fine may be increased at the discretion of the Management as perthe severity of the situation. e.g.- Asking inappropriate questions during PPTor Interview.